About me

just a girl trying to keep all the pieces together

Monday, August 8, 2011

A hospital, not a country club...

Something came up this week at convention that troubles my heart. During one of the break out sessions I attended a session that was specifically set aside for Teen MOPS leaders. One of the common concerns among that group of leaders was the lack of support from their Christian/Church families. Stories of how their sponsoring church would not allow them to hold a teen MOPS group at their church so they are meeting in a public school to stories of how they were having a really hard time finding Classic MOPS groups that would “sister” them and come along side them to provide support. Let me start by explaining that we do not suffer from either of these issues. Our chartering ministry (Fellowship of the Parks Church) has been amazingly supportive from the very first day I sat down with a few members of the leadership team and shared my passion. They stepped up and have walked alongside us the whole time we have been ministering to these young women. We are also very blessed by a local Classic MOPS group (Chartering ministry- The MET). From their tangible generosity to their prayer and sharing of their time-our group has been blessed beyond measure. We have also been blessed by faithful financial supporters from all over the metroplex that have generously given their resources to keep this ministry going. Unfortunately, we are the only group, that I personally met leaders from, that have support in all areas. We also have a team of remarkable women, that come from several surrounding church bodies, that not only have a passion for these young moms, but a drive to serve whole heartedly and sacrificially. There was a room full of women with the passion, and I am assuming the drive required to pull off a successful TeenMOPS program-however they are missing the other important, and necessary elements. The support. It wasn't just the lack of support that hurts my heart. I am also burdened to hear the reasons and the responses they are getting when they are soliciting support. They are being met with opposition through comments like “don't you think this just encourages teen pregnancy?”, “we don't want our community to think all these girls come from our church”, “aren't you nervous about letting those girls know your personal information”, “we can't be supportive of a group that would support girls in that situation”..... I could go on, but I am guessing you get the point. We are CHRIST followers folks and my opinion is that Christ would be incredibly disappointed with these responses. We are to LOVE as He loved us, not out of a spirit of judgement or condemnation, but out of a spirit mercy and grace. The only difference between “those kind of girls” (which I happened to be one of them) and those judging us is that you happen to know the sin I fell into. The church building is meant to be a hospital not a country club. We come there to be filled up, loved on, encouraged, and supported by a body of believers. Not to be made felt like we are judged, looked down upon, or less than.
I LOVE the teen MOPS ministry. I love each and every young mom that God has brought through the doors to take part in our group, I love the fellow believers that walk alongside me and offer these young women unconditional love, as well as practical support.
You are missing the mark people if you think Christ would encourage this lack of support. These ladies can't do this alone. They need your faithful support.
I realize my passion is that of teen moms. I also realize that they aren't the only group that we self righteous Christians choose to look down upon, I am even sure if you dug long enough you may be able to help me find the log in my eye. That isn't my purpose....my purpose is to TRY to get those of you who could be making a difference in this area to step up and do something. I am sure there is a Teen MOPS group in your area.
This situation makes me think of Jesus and the leper, and one of the speakers this weekend pointed out a piece of that story that has been impressed upon my heart. Jesus hugged him first-before He healed him. What a profound example He set.

ALSO,-mini disclaimer-please don't for a minute that our group can't use more help, support, or prayer warriors....we will never have enough of that!

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