About me

just a girl trying to keep all the pieces together

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The things I've learned....

So, it's been 8 weeks since we officially became Foster Parents! I thought I would share some of the lessons I have learned in this short little time....some life changing, others quite silly.
1. No matter how hard you try or prep yourself for the inevitable-it is simply impossible to not become attached.
2. It is possible to answer the question Why? with real answers over 100 times in a day without going crazy.
3. Running the dishwasher 2 times everyday is normal in a family of 10.
4. One of the best compliments would be from the mouth of a 3 yr old boy as he grasps my cheeks and tells me I'm beautiful.
5. Sometimes we get caught up in thinking that kids that have never "had" anything would want everything when really all they want is you!
6. Taking 4 kids aged 5 and under to Walmart all by yourself is not so hard after all, except there's no room in the cart for groceries-so it renders itself pointless.
7. NO matter how well you plan, it doesn't matter if it doesn't match up with God's Will.
8. Your body really does adjust to waking up 3 times every night.
9. It doesn't take long to learn the different cry's of "your kids"
10. PB&J is always a sure thing.
11. Kami and Lanni both (when they are much older of course) are going to be amazing moms. They are huge helpers, I don't think I could do this without their help.
12. When you've got one that is used to being the "baby" of the family, it doesn't matter if their 10-they're going to show some signs of jealousy when they feel that role is being replaced.
13. The fireplace (with mantel) makes for a great stage for a "concert".
14. One date night in 8 weeks with my man is simply not enough.
15. 10 people wear a lot of clothes, which then mean they need to be washed.
16. Robbie is just as protective of non bio siblings as he is with the ones he shares blood with.
17. Having a structured, planned nap time could be what keeps me sane.
18. Not a new revelation, but a notable one-these 8 children have the most amazing dad on the planet.
19. No matter how bad they've been hurt-kids remain loyal to their bio parents. They miss them, they want them, they love them.
20. I am forever changed, as a mom, as a friend, as a wife, as a woman. I am learning everyday how to live more and more selflessly. How to love the way Christ designed me to love.

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