About me

just a girl trying to keep all the pieces together

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Normal is Over-Rated.

We have EIGHT children. Yes, you read that right! EIGHT! I feel incredibly blessed to be their mama!!  I don't wish I had less, and I don't think the people out there with only one child (or no children) are "weird" or should have more. I think God created each one of us differently and to complete a different purpose. It is your job to live out your purpose, and it is my job to live out my God-given purpose with JOY. I am not asking for the approval of the general public or even asking them to have an understanding of my purpose. Seriously, I am content with knowing that many of you reading this will never understand our "why" and it would be odd if you did. It isn't your "why".  There are moments every day that I wish I could have eight more. The reality of it all is, you don't have to be okay with it, no one else really does. The unfortunate part is, many people in our modern society feel the need to let me know they don't approve. I really don't need to know that others don't approve of the size of my family. And, frankly, feeling the need to let me know is just rude.
It is sad to me that our society has come to a point that isn't in love with large families. We don't value them and we, in the most part, consider them a menace. I have read a few blog posts lately that have had my head spinning. Blogs written by people that have encountered some of the same silly questions I do. The funny thing is, it doesn't even matter what part of the country you are in, or what the dynamic is of the conversation, the questions are the same....
Are they all yours?
Robb's favorite answer is "no, I just pick random kids up along the way". I like to say "well I haven't added Kidnapping to my resume yet."
Are those your real kids?
Um, they aren't fake kids.
Did you and your husband have all of them together?
Is that really any of your business?? I mean really?
Do they all have the same dad?
Nope, I get around ;)
Are you a blended family?
Well Robb and I didn't come from the same womb, so I guess we're pretty "blended"
How many sets of twins?
Ha!! this one makes me wish I could say NONE!! Cuz we have EIGHT individual children.....twins doesn't make them any less unique.
Do you guys ever come out of the bedroom?
Unfortunately, yes ;)  SOMEBODY has to feed all of these illegitimate children.
Do you know what causes that?
Yup, we aren't professionals yet though....so, we keep practicing.
Are one of you getting fixed?
I'm sorry, I didn't realize one of us was broken??
Do you ever sleep?
Only at night....occasionally. YOU probably need a nap though ;)
Don't drink the water.
I am actually OK with that, I don't like water much anyway!
How do you have time for you?
You have no clue how much they fill my cup!
What are you thinking?
Who really "thinks" anymore...... especially before speaking!
Did you do that on purpose?
Well, trust me, it wasn't on accident!
Why would you have so many?
Just....Just....shut up PLEASE!
How are you going to send them all to college?
I am not "sending" them anywhere!! If they want to go to school, they will!
Are you old enough to have that many?
Of course not! I'm only 29!
You don't look old enough to have that many.
Of course I don't ;) I'm still 29!
Does your husband ever leave the house?
Yes, to go find more kids.
Are you Mormon? Catholic? Mexican?
Seriously? Doesn't even deserve a response!

O.K. I think I may have gotten the sarcasm out of my system (probably not, but I am moving on). I get that we aren't "normal" but as a good friend just reminded me...."Normal is over-rated. Christ wasn't considered normal, so we are in good company". I love my life and I wouldn't change it. Don't get me wrong, it is hard. But, aren't all things worth having, worth working for? No, I don't bathe the little ones every day. Yes, I cook dinner every night (almost). Our grocery bill is $200/week....and that has taken a lot of "revisiting". I menu plan and do laundry once a week. Robb and I still go on dates, and share a lot intimate moments (sorry kids). We are firm in sharing the workload. There is a chore chart, and you can bet your sweet patooty that we stick to it ;)  I still lose my patience and I forget to praise my kids when they do exactly what I would expect. I pray with them and for them. I have to be very strategic at dividing my time and sometimes I fail miserably at making each one of them feel special. My boys play the "racking game" and I allow my kids to say "freakin". I hate Sponge Bob and you will get soap in your mouth for calling someone stupid no matter how old you are. I stagger their bed times, and we only have two showers in our house so some have to shower in the morning. The oldest girl always sits up front (even if she isn't related). I expect my boys to act like gentlemen and my girls to behave like ladies. That wouldn't change if I had 2 or 20. I can tell you from experience, the hardest transition was from 1 to 2, and after 3, you will never pee alone anyway!!
My grandma had 7 kids biologically and fostered many more. I am honored by her legacy and am grateful to live by her example. Her example, mind you, was considered "NORMAL" in her day.