Jacksonville NEWS
Winter Edition 2009
So, last years edition was typed, printed, even folded and put in envelopes. The problem: the envelopes were even addressed, just never mailed out! We even went as far as to have the Christmas pictures, taken and printed in multiples! Then, time went on.......without asking me permission!!! I told myself that I would make them the “New Year's edition” and send them out anyway, then I told myself that they would be the “Easter Edition” and send them out anyway. As you can tell...They are still the 2008 Christmas Edition that never made it out! Needless to say, it's been an amazing FULL year. I don't want to complain about the business because I am thankful for it. I just wish I was a better manager of my time. This years edition will be short and sweet in my quest to get it done!
We have spent the year learning many lessons. We have learned more about money management than what is enjoyable. Dave Ramsey is my new HATED best friend!
Lanni is still playing in her band. She has become quite the little guitarist, she's even written a couple of original songs. She has such a tender, servants heart. I mean, don't get me wrong...she is still a ball of fire-but the older she gets the more I get to see her truly compassionate spirit.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder=what some viewed as a forclosed, non cared for property that needed tons of work-we viewed as Jacksonville....just as soon as it got 205 square yards of carpet, 225 sq ft of bamboo flooring, 300 sq ft of laminate flooring, wet saw, 80 sq ft of ceramic tile to re tile the shower floor, 56 gallons of paint, 2 concrete staining kits, to later be covered by 500 sq ft of hand scraped hardwood, 11 scrub brushes, 2 mops, 3 buckets, 1 Gallon of paint remover, 63 kitchen cabinet pulls, 3 new light fixtures, 60 sq ft of wall mirror, numerous linear ft of 1/4 round, countless gallons of elbow grease, many moments of frustration, few tears shed, several exhausted laugh attacks, and hours and hours put in by 6 people making a house a home.
Robbie is definitely following in his sister's (& daddy's) foot steps. He has taken very few formal dance classes, but man can he tear up a dance floor! He has decided to take a break from sports and pull out the dancin' shoes. The older he gets the more and more I see Robb's qualities in him! He is going to be a remarkable man.
For the first time since 2001, some Jackson kids entered a classroom. After much prayer we decided this year to put the kids in a "school" for homeschoolers. They go to traditional classes 2 days a week and complete their weeks lessons at home the other 3. Their weeks are pretty intense, but their semesters are only 12 weeks long! That means only 6 months of school! So far first semester.....we love it! They are all doing well and getting great grades.
Kami is a part of a Christian Hip HOP crew! They are an amazing group of dancers that are all in love for Jesus, using their gift to glorify Him. From the time she was 3, I have gotten goose bumps every time I see her dance. She is now 16 and it is still just the same! You can check out some of their performances on youtube....search ryteside crew. She's a pretty good driver-still makes me nervous every time I am in the passenger seat, but she is doing pretty good. My favorite quote from the passenger side ....from the mouth of Kami "this light is taking forever, I could have gotten a pedicure by now". She cracks me up.
Eli had a great soccer season this year. It was awesome to watch him develop and grow in the sport. He is certainly turning into a remarkable young man. The things he think of amaze me. He always wants to know how and why for everything. It is crazy to me how no matter how old he gets....he still is clearly the "baby" of the family. He tends to think he will get away with more than the others. We've had to set that straight.
Jacksonville is still hooked on reality TV. Still love piling on the couch for the latest episode of So You Think You Can Dance, or American Idol. Eli has been tryin' out his b boxin' skills ever since we started watching the Sing Off. Some of my favorite moments are on that couch!
It's been almost 4 years since I have truly felt we were "home". We have loved the friends we have made along the way and the churches we have been a part of, but I have never felt like we were right where we were supposed to be. Now I have not reached the point where I'd call myself a "Texan" but I can certainly tell you that there is a peace that has come over me that I have been missing for a long while. We are home my friends. We have a church family again and some awesome friends here in Texas. Praise God for answered prayer.
Teen MOPS @ Fellowship of the Parks begins in March-Coordinating the group? Yours truly! It is an outreach ministry that serves Teen Moms! Pray for the young women who will be a part of this group and the many helping hands I will need to touch their hearts.
Robb and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary this year! I remember 10 years ago, chatting with a friend that had just celebrated her 13th anniversary with her husband and thinking..."wow! that is forever" I feel like we've just begun! I could not ask for a better man to live this life with! ABSOLUTELY my very best friend!
So much for short and sweet???? Ha ha! When I start reflecting I can't help but share!
Praying that you celebrate your year of memories. Reflecting on the sweet little moments we don't take the time to note!
Merry CHRISTmas! Praise God for the birth of our Savior!
an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the Glory of the Lord shone around them....the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you Good News of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord
-Luke 2:9-11